Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) is a flatfish species that is commonly found in the coastal waters of the United Kingdom. It is a member of the flounder family and is highly regarded as a popular target for both commercial and recreational fishermen.
Plaice have a distinct appearance with their oval-shaped bodies and smooth skin. It features a reddish-brown or greenish-brown colour on the upper side, which helps it blend into the sandy or muddy seabed. The underside is white, and the fish has a series of small bony bumps on its dark side.
Pleuronectes platessa can grow up to a considerable size, with adult specimens typically ranging from 30 to 50 centimetres in length. The largest plaice recorded in the UK weighed around 9 kilograms.
They are a bottom-dwelling species that prefers sandy or muddy seabeds. It is commonly found in shallow coastal waters, estuaries, and bays, although it can also be found at deeper depths during certain times of the year.
Feeding Habits
Plaice is a carnivorous fish and primarily feeds on small fish, crustaceans, and molluscs. It uses its eyes, which are positioned on the upward-facing side, to spot prey items swimming above the seabed. Plaice lie partially buried in the sand or mud, waiting for an opportunity to ambush its prey.
Life Cycle
Pleuronectes platessa has a complex life cycle. They start their life as tiny larvae drifting in the water column before settling on the seabed. As they grow, they undergo a metamorphosis, with one eye migrating to the upper side of their body. They reach maturity at around 2-3 years of age and can live up to 25 years.
Fishing Techniques
Plaice is a popular target for anglers and can be caught using various fishing methods. Common techniques include bottom fishing with bait, such as ragworms, lugworms, or small fish, as well as using artificial lures and rigs designed to imitate small fish or shrimp.
Culinary Uses
They are highly regarded for its delicate and sweet flavour. It has firm white flesh that lends itself well to various cooking methods, including grilling, frying, baking, and steaming. It is often served with a squeeze of lemon or accompanied by sauces and herbs.
When targeting plaice, it's important to be aware of fishing regulations, such as minimum size limits and catch restrictions, to ensure sustainable fishing practices and the preservation of fish stocks for future generations.
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